JDHS Creative Writing

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What I have learned

There is no doubt that October 15, 2011 brought sadness to our hearts as we all got the horrible news of Ms. McKennas death. Ever since that day I learned that you really do not know what you have until it is gone. I fully regret not letting Ms. McKenna in when I had her for the couple months I did. It was when she died that my eyes opened up and I felt horrible about the way I acted towards her. I heard so many great things about her as a teacher but I was stubborn and didn't open my eyes to realize what was in front of me. There's not much to do now, but to sit back and let life do its job.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 16, 2012

It's kind of strange how fast time can fly. It's kindof strange how fast things can happen. It's also kind of strange that in less than two weeks we will have our third teacher of the year of our creative writing class. Everyone feels different emotions about this situation but speaking for myself I can say that I am both sad and also relieved to be losing Mr. Good and gaining Mr. Dwyer. It only took three short months to get to know Mr. Good and learn what he was made of. Ms. McKenna was a definite loss but having Mr. Good sure did make things easier and make the classroom feel like a good place to be. It's sad that we will be losing him as a teacher, and it confuses me as to why he can't just stay for the rest of the year and continue to make us all smile when we walk into that 5th period class, but we are also very lucky to be getting Mr. Dwyer as a teacher. I know all of us students were dying to find out who our next teacher would be and what they would be like, and now that we know, it's like a weight lifted off of our shoulders knowing that we will be in the hands of Mr. Dwyer.
I'm sad to see Mr. Good leave us, but I am excited to see how the class continues on with our third teacher. I'm going to walk in the door of room 218 everyday after January 16 ready to listen and prepared for things to be different. I will keep an open mind and just enjoy being in my 5th period creative writing class.